Providing individual student loan repayment counseling to borrowers who are Minnesota residents.
The Office of Higher Education administers the Student Loan Debt Counseling Grant Program to support a Minnesota-based nonprofit qualified debt counseling organization to provide individual student loan debt repayment counseling to borrowers who are Minnesota residents concerning loans obtained to attend a postsecondary institution. The number of individuals receiving counseling may be limited to those capable of being served with available appropriations for that purpose. A goal of the counseling program is to provide two counseling sessions to at least 75 percent of borrowers receiving counseling.
The purpose of the counseling is to assist borrowers to:
A qualified debt counseling organization is an organization that:
The 2023 Minnesota Legislature allocated $200,000 per year in the 2024 - 2025 biennium to be granted out to eligible Minnesota-based nonprofit qualified debt counseling organizations.
If you have questions about the Student Loan Debt Counseling Grant, contact the Office of Higher Education at
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