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Ordering Materials for Your Students

How to obtain publications, brochures and handouts for educators working with students to help them prepare for their postsecondary education


One of the main duties of the Minnesota Office of Higher Education is to provide information to students and their families to help them prepare, pay for, and select their postsecondary education options. Besides providing information on our web pages, the Office has prepared a variety of publications that can be obtained free from the Publications page.

Bulk Ordering Publications

Minnesota schools and organizations can bulk order the following publications at no cost. Some restrictions may apply and items are available on a first-come, first-served basis. If you have problems logging in, please e-mail us at

We are unable to provide bulk orders outside of Minnesota, but materials can be downloaded from the Publications page.

Order 2024-25 Publications now. Submit your order through this link.

The following publications will be available:

  • Choosing a College: Minnesota College Guide
    Learn more about the pathways that you can take as a student in Minnesota. There are many two- and four-year degree-granting Minnesota colleges and universities, as well as diploma and certificate programs that can help you achieve your career goals.
  • Paying for College: A Guide to Financial Aid and Responsible Borrowing
    An excellent introduction to financial aid available to Minnesotans. This publication outlines the different types of financial aid, how to apply via FAFSA or Minnesota Dream Act, and other helpful tips to cover the cost of your college education. An outline of the various forms of federal, state and private loans that Minnesotans can borrow to pay for their postsecondary education. 
  • Grants and Scholarships: Financial Aid You Don't Have To Repay
    This 32-page publication outlines the forms of financial aid that you don't repay: grants and scholarships.
  • Minnesota College Savings Plan
    Brochure explains Minnesota'ss own state-sponsored 529 college savings plan.


Additional Student & Parent Materials


See the Publications page for additional materials prepared by the Minnesota Office of Higher Education you can download.

Also, the U.S. Department of Education provides a wide range of publications and resources for you or the students you serve.


Online Financial Aid Resources


The following Office of Higher Education pages may help you answer student financial aid questions and understand the financial aid process.