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Campus Student Enrollment Reporting Resources

Specifications for reporting student enrollment and awards conferred data to the Minnesota Office of Higher Education


The Minnesota Office of Higher Education has been collecting data on students enrolled in Minnesota's public and private institutions since 1983. Specifications for reporting data to the Office of Higher Education for two student databases, Student Enrollment Record Database (SERDB), and Awards Conferred are contained below.

2020 Data Advisory Committee: OHE has convened meetings with higher education stakeholders to review and recommend changes to our enrollment and awards-conferred data collections. This group is formerly referred to as the Data Advisory Committee in state law. Members include institutional representatives and other stakeholders indicating interest in working on this topic. For more information please contact Steve Rogness, Research Analyst, at

Data Sharing Agreement for Degree Granting Institutions

Data Sharing Agreement for Non Degree Granting Institutions

Elevating Equity Through Better Data: 2021 Proposal for Changes to the Office of Higher Education's Student-Level Data Collections

Summary of process and recommendations

Meeting Schedule and Materials:
Wednesday, June 17th, 1pm-2:30pm
    *June 17th Powerpoint presentation
Wednesday, July 15th, 1pm-2:30pm
    *July 15th Powerpoint presentation
Wednesday, August 19th, 1pm-2:30pm
    *August 19th Powerpoint presentation
Wednesday, September 16th, 1pm-2:30pm
    *September 16th Powerpoint presentation
Wednesday, October 21st, 1pm-2:30pm
    * October 21th Powerpoint presentation
Monday, November 16th, 1pm-2:30pm
    * November 16th Powerpoint presentation
Wednesday, December 9th, 1:30pm-3:00pm
    * December 9th Powerpoint presentation
Friday, January 22nd, 1:30pm-3:00pm
    * January 22nd Powerpoint presentation
Friday, March 5th, 10am-11:30am
    *March 5th Powerpoint presentation


New data reporting requirements were implemented starting the 2016-2017 academic year. The report Strengthening Postsecondary Education Data to Meet a Changing Minnesota: 2016 Proposal for Changes to Office of Higher Education Student-Level Data Collections summarizes the rationale for changes. The last revision in student data collected from Minnesota's postsecondary institutions, since implementation in 1983, was in 1994. Revised data sharing agreements were sent to college presidents/chief executives on July 25, 2016 to enable new data reporting.


Reporting Resources for Non-Degree-Granting Institutions and ETPL Training Providers


Beginning with the March 2022 reporting period, non-degree-granting institutions, and providers listing trainings on the Eligible Training Provider List (ETPL), may use these templates to report enrollment and awards conferred data.
Overview for ETPL providers
Complete Student Databases Manual — Non-Degree-Granting — 2023-2024
Non-Degree-Granting Enrollment Data Template
Non-Degree-Granting Awards Conferred Data Template
The spreadsheet templates contain these worksheets:

  • Sample layout of enrollment or awards conferred data
  • Data fields and quick guide to codes
  • Upload instructions and when to send data


Student Databases Manual

The Student Databases Manual contains detailed data reporting specifications as well as information on why data are collected, how data are used and how student's data privacy are maintained.

Spreadsheet Template

Sending data in a comma-delimited formatted file is preferred. However, a spreadsheet template is provided as an alternative. The templates outline how to provide data via Microsoft Excel. There are separate templates for enrollment and awards conferred data.

Enrollment Template Degree-Granting 2023-2024

Awards Conferred Template Degree-Granting 2022-2023

The spreadsheet templates contain these worksheets:

  • Sample layout of enrollment or awards conferred data
  • Data fields and quick guide to codes
  • Upload instructions and when to send data

Search for CIP

The Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) codes are the national taxonomic standard on academic program titles. Search the 2010 CIP Codes on the Web or in print. CIP codes are needed to report student's fields of program or study for the enrollment and awards conferred database.

CIP was originally developed by the U.S. Department of Education's National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) in 1980, with revisions occurring in 1985, 1990, 2000 and 2010.

Please Note: