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Student Health and Safety

Health and safety data for college students attending a Minnesota campus or studying abroad


Study Abroad Health and Safety

Minnesota legislation passed in 2015 aims to strengthen student safety by asking Minnesota colleges and universities with Study Abroad programs to report annually on:

  • Deaths, accidents and illnesses of students as a result of and during program participation
  • Country, primary program host and program type of each incident
  • Whether the program complied with health and safety standards set by the nationally recognized Forum on Education Abroad or a similar standard

The Study Abroad Health and Safety Data report is the first of its kind in the nation and will be updated annually.

To help students prepare for studying abroad, OHE created a Study Abroad Health and Safety Resources for Students and Families site.

Sexual Assault and Violence Policy

Minn. Stat. ยง 135A.15 requires postsecondary institutions to implement sexual violence policies, provide training for students and staff, provide access to an online reporting system, provide data to the Minnesota Office of Higher Education, and requires cooperation between institutions and local law enforcement. The Sexual Assault Data Report includes incidents of sexual assault that were reported to a postsecondary institution and various institutional responses to those reports.

Victims of sexual violence can find resources at, including connecting with an advocate, emergency resources, or additional support.